Luke-toberfest 2024
sponsorship opportunities
bar & beverage sponsor

Be an event Bar & Beverage Sponsor for our beverage stations on the golf course and for the bars serving our banquet guests . We have three beverage stations located at the busiest holes, our par three challenge holes. We will have two bar locations open throughout the banquet.
Your sponsorship will include:
Your business or your family/friends names prominently displayed at every bar and beverage station
Recognition on our website and in our digital program
tee box sponsor

Sponsor a Tee Box and have your business name and/or logo prominently displayed during the golf tournament. Dedicate a Tee Box to someone you want to honor, celebrate, or remember, and have your message and/or photo displayed at the golf tournament.
Tee Box sponsorships and dedications will be displayed on large, high-quality signs, in full color. In addition, you will be acknowledged on our website, digital program and via our social media.
platinum sponsor

Please join us in the fight against childhood cancer by becoming a Platinum Sponsor. Your sponsorship includes:
1 Complimentary Golf Foursome with Banquet event tickets
Four (4) Golfer's Advantage Packs:​
(3) Mulligans
(2) Wilson Golfer Challenges
(2) Opportunity Drawing Vouchers
Prominent recognition displayed at the Golf Tournament and Banquet
Recognition by our Master of Ceremonies during the Banquet program
Recognition in our advertisement in the Grunion Gazette after the conclusion of Luke-toberfest 2024
Prominent recognition on our website and digital program
gold sponsor

Please join us in the fight against childhood cancer by becoming a Gold Sponsor. Your sponsorship includes:
Ten (10) Banquet event tickets with reserved VIP table
Prominent recognition displayed at the Golf Tournament and Banquet
Recognition by our Master of Ceremonies during the Banquet program
Recognition in our advertisement in the Grunion Gazette after the conclusion of Luke-toberfest 2024
Prominent recognition on our website and digital program
silver sponsor

Please join us in the fight against childhood cancer by becoming a Gold Sponsor. Your sponsorship includes:
Prominent recognition displayed at the Golf Tournament and Banquet
Prominent recognition on our website and digital program